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The Map
Facebook and updates
QR Codes
Android app
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Search and pop-up video
Display a GPX file on the map
Select Base Map
Garmin POI
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The Cafe map can be accessed from your desk or on the move using the website :-
The Web page is mobile friendly and works best with location enabled.
The map is also available as an app on Android, Apple, Windows and Linux
Click the ;inks for install instructions.
Please note the app is not available from the iStore please see iOS / Apple devices

The date in the title bar shows the last date the cafes were updated. To refresh the map with new data ei:-

  • Clicking the “Cycle Coffee & Cake” text
  • or
  • Clicking he refresh icon
  • or
  • Clicking the home button from the menu
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    See our Facebook page for cafe related posts and members recommendations.
    Please submit any map updates to our Facebook page
    If you're recommending a cafe the details in this format will help enormously.
    • Name
    • Full Address
    • Opening times
    • A brief review
    • Website (Facebook preferably)
    • Telephone number
    • Location latitude & longitude or What 3 words Or a screenshoot with location enabled
    • A photo.
    We will normally mark any cafes reported as closed as sonn as possible. Often this is the same day.
    New cafes are often batched and several are uploaded to the map at the same time. The uploads are normally weekly but sometimes more often. Photos may appear later than the initial listing.
    Admins have the final decision on adding or removing of a cafe to / from the map.

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    Use the QR Codes to share the Map, App and Facebook Page


    Android app

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    Open the website, click the install Button when it appears
    Download from Play Store :-

    Google Play Store, search cafemap in playstore
    or scan the QR code :-

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    Due to the high cost, we do not have an app available in the App Store.
    However, we do have an app available using PWA technology.
    It looks and works like a full app. Except it is installed on the home screen rather than in the App Library. However, it can be searched for in the App Library. The load time is much quicker than the website and it has some offline functionallity.

    To add the "app"

  • Using a Safari browser (see note below) , open the map with the url
  • Allow location when prompted.
  • Wait until the map is fully loaded and has zoomed into your current location.
  • Click the Share up-arrow at the bottom of the screen, and select Add to Home Screen
  • Use the icon created to open the map as an app
  • The app will automatically update
  • Note The map can be installed on macOS from any browser except Safari. On iOS 16.3 and earlier, the map can only be installed with Safari. On iOS 16.4 and later, the map can be installed from the Share menu in Safari, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Orion.
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    The map can be installed as an app on your Windows, Mac or Linux computer

  • Using a Chrome browser, open the map with the url
  • At the top right of the address bar, click the Install icon
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to install

  • Uninstall
  • Open the app, Click the 2 vertical dots on th title bar
  • Click "Uninstall Cycle Coffee & Cake stops..."
  • Click the remove Button
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    If location is enabled on your device, the map will zoom in and centre the map at your location. The map can be zoomed and moved. It will not centre until you manually refresh the web page.
    Clicking the Location icon (bottom left of the map) will centre the map and show a blue dot at your location.
    Location Icon
    The dot will show your location as you move.You can zoom in and out the zoom level will not change as you move. You can drag the map but it will centre to your location as soon as you stop dragging. Clicking the "Location" icon will turn off the blue dot and turn off auto centre.
    When your devices GPS isn't sure about your location, you'll see a light blue circle around the blue dot. You might be anywhere within the light blue circle. The smaller the circle, the more certain the app is about your location.

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    OpenCafe. Check opening times on the cafe Facebook or the website.
    Temp ClosedTemporarily Closed due Referbishment etc.
    New"New" Cafes recently added to the map

    Open Street Map legend (default map)
    Open Cycle Map legend (OpenCycleMap and CyclOSM maps)
    Open Cycle Map legend (OpenMTB map)

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    Clicking the cafe marker will pop-up an information box.
    The popup will display the Cafe Name and address. It may also have opening times, website, email, phone number and photo.
    Clicking the Website link will open the website in a new tab. Clicking the phone number on a mobile will open the phone app and auto fill the phone number

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    Click the Route Icon (top right).
    Select the location of your gpx file

    Select a gpx file, click Open.

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    The default map is "Open Street Map". Other maps can be displayed by tapping the Layer Icon (top right).

    location location location location location

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    Garmin POI instructions instructions The latest gpi file can be downloaded from here
    Example screenshots:-